On October 13th, over 200 attendees dialled in from Asia and around the Globe for the Charter of Trust Tokyo Virtual Roadshow: “How the industry is reshaping cybersecurity in our connected world”, an event hosted by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and NTT.

Shinichi Yokohama, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of NTT and Dr. Eisaku Ito, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries opened by highlighting the impact of the pandemic: “We have seen an increased decoupling of movement of goods, services and people paralleled by a surge in online communications, making trust-based communication matter all the more today”. Mr. Yokohama advocated for a collective emphasis on detection and response – a considerable but necessary paradigm shift given that a perfect protection is no longer possible. That is why Charter of Trust establishes Trust through people and processes.

Julian Meyrick, Vice President at IBM Security and Dr. Stefan Saatmann, Global Coordinator of Cybersecurity Policy at Siemens provided the audience with an introduction into the Charter of Trust’s vision and activities. They outlined the Charter of Trust’s 10 principles and its global collaborations with government agencies and research institutes, notably through the Associated Partners Forum.

Toshikazu Okuya, Director of the Cybersecurity Division at the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) presented the advances of the Cyber-Physical Security Framework (CPSF). Atsushi Umino, Director, Office of the Director-General for Cybersecurity at the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) shared Japan’s various policy initiatives on cybersecurity, from 5G to IoT, and safer teleworking measures.

Lastly, Benjamin Ang, Senior Fellow, Deputy Head of Centre of Excellence for National Security (CENS), RSIS, emphasised the importance and benefits of cross-sector information-sharing between academia, public and private sectors.

As panellists shared their insight on the state of cybersecurity regulation in Japan through the lenses of the private sector, academia and the regulators, all agreed that the fast pace of this sector requires agility from all actors.

Stay tuned for more Charter of Trust virtual events with online roadshows planned in Geneva and Madrid, as well as deep-dive webinars on the Charter of Trust Principles such as “Education,” “Security by Default,” and “Transparency and Response.”

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