CoT welcomes new Associated Partner CSA
The Charter of Trust is pleased to welcome the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) to its Associated Partner Forum (APF).
The APF brings together the Charter’s member companies with regulators, NGOs, and research institutions to facilitate senior-level discussions and an exchange of views on cybersecurity issues.
CSA is the world’s leading organization for cloud security-specific research, education, and certification. With its Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR), CSA operates the most popular cloud security provider certification program. In 2010, CSA also launched the first cloud security user certification, the Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK). Several Partners of the Charter of Trust are using CSA’s Consensus Assessment Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ).
The Partners of the Charter of Trust are grateful to have CSA as part of its trusted network of Associated Partners supporting the Charter’s mission to build trust in the digital world.